Sunday, September 20, 2009


Paddling With Sailors

The sky has cleared.
Morning shows the lake
bright and calm.
The boats are put on the water.
Three carry two long oars.
Three others carry double bladed paddles.
One more paddles in from the north.
A course is set. We attempt to follow
the faster boats from Myers Pt.
crossing to the light at Crowbar Pt.
Then down the lake turning round the red pillar
at the lighthouse near Stewart Park. Here cormorants
atop the pillar watch the turn up the lake toward
Portland Pt. and Myers Park. It is this leg
that reminds me of the sea. The birds,
and those at the oars are sailors.
Into the wind among the waves listening
to the whitecaps we are all sailors
tracing a line in nature on the water
and along the shore.

Lighthouse to Lighthouse Tour
j. hale

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